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         张青教授出生于中医世家,毕业于吉林大学,曾就读于北京中医药大学,完成英国仁术中医学院中医妇科master course. 1989年来英国,创建了南安普敦中医诊所,在妇科,特别是在不孕不育等中医诊治方面已建立学术专长。 张教授协助当地医院妇科,生殖科专家辅助试管婴儿工作,帮助了数百名不孕不育夫妇成功怀孕。曾被BBC电视台、广播电台,和当地报纸多家媒体多次报道。曾在英国、欧洲中医期刊、际西医科技期刊发表学术论文数篇。 被聘为国际西医科技期刊【SOJ Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Women’s health 】,【Journal Of Medicinal Clinic Case Studies】【Journal Of Gynaecology 】期刊编辑部顾问。现为英国针灸学会BACC会员, 英国中医学会ATCM和英国中医联盟学会CAHMA资深会员;兼任世中联妇科专业委员会理事。世界传统医药论坛常委理事。



1987-1992年就读于河南中医学院中医系,并获医学学士学位。1992-1995继续攻读该校推拿系研究生,获医学硕士学位。1995-1998在上海中医药大学针推学院读博士研究生,并获医 学博士学位。他有丰富的临床和教学经验。其主要论文与著作:

1) 针灸的作用机理、适应症与疗效,国外医学,1998,3

2) 针刺手法的形成与发展,针灸临床杂志,1998,6

3) 关于中医发展的思考,中国医药学报,1998,12

4) 针灸临床研究中推广RCT的必要与建议,中国针灸,1999,5

5) 窦汉卿针灸学术研究, 上海中医药大学学报, 1999,12

6) 《手疗治百病》,上海中医药大学出版社,1999年5月出版

罗若茵,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学博士, 特聘教授

         现为英国中医药学会会员,主要从事中医临床研究。她从1997年就读于中国东南大学医学院,毕业时获医学学士学位。自2000-2003年,继续在上海军医大学攻读中西医结合专业研究 生,并获医学硕士学位。2003-2005年,她在上海中医医院急诊科工作,同时负责上海中医药大学中医专业学生的临床带教。从2009-2011年起,罗医生作为博士后研究员在英国贝尔法 斯特女王大学药剂学院工作,负责研究设计、草拟建议书、数据收集和分析以及结果展示和发布等工作,曾是贝尔法斯特女王大学2005年研究生助学金获得者;从2005年9月至2009年5 月,还在该大学药学院攻读博士课程,并获博士学位。罗博士已发表论文10篇,主要涉及中国传统医药研究;其临床研究课题,偏重于抑郁症、疼痛、关节炎、不孕不育、皮肤疾病和 胰岛素抵抗的糖尿病等。

乔奎元  骨伤科、脊柱科专业  主任医师 教授 院长助理


曾任英国伦敦唐人街康泰诊所 医生

英国中医学院 特聘教授 院长助理


在英国,施用中草药、针灸、按摩、正骨、复位等,治疗脊椎病(颈椎、胸椎、腰椎、骶髂关节)及肩关节、膝关节病、股骨头坏死等,以及与脊椎相关的内科、妇科、神经科、五官 科等疾病。


 Dr Kuiyuan Qiao, deputy chief physician in orthopedics, traumatology and spinal injury, is from a family of doctors practicing Chinese Medicine for generations and graduated from Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. His specialist training in treatment of spinal disease and hemiplegia, paraplegia rehabilitation was with the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital .He served as the director of orthopedic and director of spinal disease non-surgical treatment centre, Luo Yang No. 1 Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He also worked as a doctor for Everwell Clinic in London China Town.

He is a Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Assistant Dean of UK Academy Of Chinese Medicine.

Dr Qiao is trained as a specialist in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine diagnosis, differential diagnosis of difficult diseases and integrative medicine. He is well known for Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions, acupuncture, massage, bone setting, etc. He is also specialized in the treatment of spinal (Cervical, thoracic, lumbar and Sacroiliac joint) disease, shoulder and knee disease, sacral iliac joint disease and avascular necrosis of the femoral. His specialty also includes spinal related internal medicine, gynaecology, neurology and ENT.

 He is highly praised for the use of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, rehabilitation comprehensive treatment of hemiplegia and paraplegia.

杨波    特聘教授



1991.07—2003.11山东中医药大学第四附属医院(山东淄博市中医院)针灸科—山东省中风病重点专科工作,承担山东中医药大学本科及山东中医专科学校的针灸教学和临 床带教工作。2001年晋升副主任医师、针灸科副主任。

2003年11月来英国至今,开设并主持仁济堂中医诊所(Holistic Health)。

擅长传统针刺技术,曾跟随数名国内针灸名家学习,对传统针灸经典和中国哲学道教经典有较深入了解,并能将其融入针灸临床。 曾主持省级课题针刺(颈部)醒脑通络法治疗中风病、针刺四关穴对颈动脉血管阻力指数及血流量的影响、温针灸治疗糖尿病足、针刺对抗药物流产副作用的临床研究等课题研究并取 得优秀学术成果;1996年始建立了针灸推拿为主配合康复疗法治疗小儿脑瘫的治疗科室并取得优异成绩。发表论文二十余篇,擅长传统针刺手法治疗不孕、抑郁症、痛症以及老年病, 擅长脉诊、舌诊,独创“副脉”(心理创伤脉)理论,并将之与针刺相结合,创立针刺催眠疗法(Acupuncture Hypnotherapy),在治疗心理疾病和慢性病方面造诣独到。

Dr. Bo Yang  Consultant, Professor (Especially invited)

MBBS ( Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Dr Bo Yang has comprehensive understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, ancient Chinese philosophy and Taoism. Developed Acupuncture Hypnosis, the Theory of  Traumatised Pulse and its use for assessing physical and psychological disorder. 

With 27 years of clinic experience, Dr. Yang specialises in the use of traditional acupuncture techniques in treating infertility, psychological emotional disorder, pain, cerebral palsy, autism etc.

Before moving to the UK in 2003, Dr. Yang worked in the fourth teaching hospital of Shandong University of TCM for 12 years as consultant neurologist.

He has published over 20 academic articles in various professional journals in China.


毕业于山东中医药大学针灸系,现为英国中医药学会会员。精于针灸,注重经络辩证、整体调节和天人相应。擅长用易经八卦理论,根据不同的季节时令、卦象的阴阳转换,灵活取穴 治疗各种疑难杂症。如中风、抑郁症、皮肤病及其他内科杂症。并且还擅长用经络平衡疗法、灸法治疗各种疼痛。如颈椎病、肩周炎、腰痛、坐骨神经痛等。立竿见影。曾发表多篇文 章,如《运动灸法及其临床应用》、《针刺加运动灸法治疗椎动脉型颈椎病50例临床报道》等。此外,还对动物针灸有临床及理论研究。曾用针灸治疗狗的关节炎疗效显著。


      1983年毕业于白求恩医科大学。1983年到1994年在吉林省肿瘤医院、吉林省抗癌协会从事中西医结合治疗和预防癌症工作,主治医师,对于癌症的预防和中西医结合治疗,经验丰富。并担任:吉林省抗癌协会中西医专业委员会副主任委员兼秘书长;吉林省抗癌协会秘书长;吉林省癌症基金会副会长兼秘书长;吉林省科学技术协会第四届委员会委员。 1994年来英国,创办英国德比郡传统中医药中心。从事中医临床和教学至今,兼任: 世界传统医药论坛执行主席; 世界中医药联合会主席团执委;世界整合医学学会联合会终身共同主席;世界中医药学会联合会中医膏方专业委员会副会长;世界中医药联合会头针委员会副会长;欧洲头针协会会长;英国中华工商联合会医药商会会长。《世界中医药》杂志编委、《世界中医药》欧洲版杂志副主编;世界中医药联合会苗侗壮医药学会顾问。曾荣获2019年世界中医药十大杰出人物奖。 现任英国中医学院特聘教授。其知识渊博和丰富的临床经验,深受学生和病人的信赖。



周鲲,主任医师 小儿推拿针灸专家


在中国医院里,他积累了丰富的临床经验,多次参加各种学术研讨会,并撰写数篇论文,发表于各种专业杂志刊物。自从1999年,他全面负责以推拿为主,配合针灸、火罐、中药等疗 法的门诊综合诊治工作,并指导下级医师完成诊治工作。对于一些常见病、多发病的诊治,积累了丰富的临床经验,对一些疑难杂病也有所研究。凭借扎实的中医理论知识,以及在英 使用针灸推拿治病的实践,针对痛症和一些疑难内妇科疾病,他成为一名针灸推拿专家。


Kun Zhou, an associate professor in Chinese medicine

Major of Acupuncture and Massage in Nanjing TCM University

From 1991, he worked for 14 years as a Manager & Senior TCM Doctor in TCM Department of The Third Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, and in 2005 , he came to UK as a TCM Dr until now.

☆He has accumulated rich experience with clinical practice in Chinese hospital, attended several academic seminars,also composed and published many articles and theses on professional journals and magazines.

☆Since 1999, he has been taking full charge of clinical diagnosis and treatment work mainly by Tuina therapy, and combined Acupuncture& Moxibustion,Cupping Therapy and Chinese Herbal Medicine,also instructing junior physicians to grasp TCM therapies and fulfill diagnosis and treatment works. Based on the treatment of some common and frequently occurred disease, he has accumulated rich experience with clinical practice, and also did deep research on infrequent and difficulty disease.

Combining his solid knowledge on Chinese medicine theory, Acupuncture and Massage with practice on typical British patients, he become a specialist in using Acupuncture and Massage treatment to relief pain and curing many difficult diseases of internal therapy and gynae etc.

李燕冰 主任医师

出身于三代中医世家。1992-1997年就读于山东中医药大学,获医学学士学位。2000-2004年攻读北京中医药大学内科脑病专业研究生,获医学硕士学位。本科毕业后就职于北京积水潭 医院中医科7年。自2004年来英行医至今。专攻老年病,内科及妇儿杂病,尤其对治疗各种痛症及运动损伤,男女不育不孕,皮肤病,呼吸、消化、心脑血管和神经系统疾病,具有丰富 的诊疗经验。并对中医减肥美容以及成瘾性疾病的治疗有独到之处。


1989年毕业于河南中医学院, 获学士学 位;2004年9月至2006年7月完成河南中医学院在职研究生内科课程学习。1989年开始在河南省焦作市中医院行医,从事中医内科临床和科研,擅长中 西医结合治疗各种内科疑难病症尤其是精于心血管、高血压及糖尿病的治疗;后任内科主任。2000年参与‘中药提纯液风池穴注射治疗中风后遗症’科研项目, 获河南科研成果奖;曾著【实用临床医学】一书,2001年4月由中国军事医学出版;并在多家医学杂志发表医学论文10余篇。是中国中医药学会会员。 2007年来英行医,现为英国中医药学会(ATCM)会员,擅治内科疑难杂症、皮肤病、不孕症等。近年来又着手针灸美容除皱和减肥排毒研究,独创‘面部经 络排毒养颜法’,疗效显著




2004-2009年就学于新疆医科大学中医系本科班,2009年本科毕业并获得了学士学位;同年又考取了山东中医药大学中医妇科硕士研究生,导师王哲教授是中国著名的妇产科专家。王 冬梅于2012年研究生毕业并获得医学硕士学位。毕业后她2012年-2015年在中国山东临淄区妇幼保健院中医科任职,曾用中医药和针灸成功地治疗过许多内科胃肠疾病和妇科疑难病症 ,深受病人的好评。王医师于2015年底来英国行医,为英国中医药学会会员,现任英国中医学院特聘副教授、主任医师,承担中医药和针灸临床治疗、教学和临床带教工作,尤擅长于 妇科疾病的诊断和治疗。

 Jake Nong,特聘中国功夫推拿讲师


  • DipAcup DipCHM
  • Master 5th Generation of Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu

Jake Nong has been practising Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 15 years. He started Wushu Martial Arts under the guidance of his dad Zhaobiao Nong. Over the years, people from different backgrounds and walks of life have been treated by Jake Nong and have seen extensive improvements in their health and well-being. His contributions to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Martial Arts have earned him much respect and admiration from his patients, students and other martial artists alike.


季杰 主治医师 特聘针灸教授, 副教务长

贺氏针灸三通法传人 北京首都医科大学中医学院毕业精于针灸疗法

MA in Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Naprapathy, Beijing Research Institute of T.C.M. July, 2002—June, 2005      
BA in Traditional Chinese Medicine, College of T.C.M.P of C.P.U.M.S.?(Capital University of Medicine Sciences)?September, 1994—July,1999


In excess of 14 years professional experience in acupuncture, herbal and treatment massage.      
As a member of ‘The British Acupuncture Council’, I practise with core values of trust, safety, high standards and professionalism.

Jijie. Cui Xizhang. Simple analysis the characteristic noting of《Neijingzhiyao》. Knowledge of Ancient Medical Literature,2004,2:45
Jijie. The relationship between TNF-α、IL-1b and AICD. Capital Medicine, 2005, 5:36      

Jijie. Treating ischemic stroke by “regulating Qi and using Acupuncture Moxibustion Three Removing Obstruction Methods ”. Chinese Journal of Information on T.C.M., 2005, 9:88      

 Wang Linpeng,Liu Huilin,Jijie. Observation of Therapeutic Effects of Migraine without aura. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2005, 10:679      

Jijie. Liu Huilin etc. Effects of Three Ways Method of Acupuncture on Serum Levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interleukin-1β in Patients with Acute Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases. Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2006, 26(6):500

吴友忠  特聘教授 临床部教学部主任


  1. Holder of membership of ATCM (Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

  2. Holder of the Qualification Certificate for Doctor, P.R. China

  3. Holder of Registering License for Doctors to Practice in Traditional Chinese, Medicine, P.R. China

  4. The apprenticeship certificate of the third national prestigious Traditional Chinese Medicine experts workshop

  5. Traditional Chinese Taiji Coach (Chen Style & Yang Style,Wu Style)


     3/2008--                Northern Ireland TCM Clinic

     1/2007--2/2008       Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor


                                           Nottingham, UK

    5/2006--12/2006>       Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor

                                           Kangning Company,

                                           Belfast, UK

    10/2005--4/2006       Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor

                                           Dr. Shi’s Traditional Chinese Medical clinic

                                           Banbridge, Northern Ireland, UK

    8/1999--10/2005      Attending Physician                   

                                           Shanghai Nanhui Central Hospital, Shanghai, China


    7/1992--8/1997       Resident Physician

                                          Nantong Hospital of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine,

                                          Nantong, Jiangsu, China


   Proficient in treatment by

   menopause syndrome, infertility,  depression bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, menorrhagia, asthma, heart burn,

   chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, colitis, diabetes mellitus, etc.


 9/2001--7/2004        Master Degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine

                                        Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,

                                        Shanghai, China

                                        Major: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Master degree thesis entitled: Study on the mechanism of relationship between peeled coating and asthma in children.


9/1997 --7/1999        Bachelor Degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine

                                        Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,

                                        Shanghai, China

                                        Major: Traditional Chinese Medicine


9/1987--7/1992         Bachelor Degree of Clinical Medicine

                                        Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China

                                        Major: Clinical Medicine

NaeemKatib 讲师


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